Minera iron works

Minera Country Park & Iron Works

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Minera Country Park & Iron Works

Want to receive an insight into the industrial history of the Clywedog Valley? Come and explore the Minera Country Park & Iron Works!

You can find this wonderful place at the top of the valley, along with access to the Clywedog Trail. If you don’t want to follow the trail, why not simply enjoy a relaxing picnic here instead?

Other walks in the area include a trail weaving along the former railway line, as well as paths winding through Minera Lead Mines Country Park.

Minera Country Park & Iron Works is also home to a fascinating museum. Here you can uncover the remnants of the areas for lead processing from the 18th-19th-century beam engine house.

If you reach the top of the beam engine house, you can also relish amazing views of the surrounding country! These views include the 53-acre site, which boasts woodland, grassland and archaeological sites.

A day packed with fascinating sights awaits at Minera Country Park & Iron Works…


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