Rhyl MR
Rhyl Miniature Railway, Rhyl

Rhyl Miniature Railway

Most of the trains at Rhyl Miniature Railway date back to the 1920s, with one locomotive dating back to 1911! The trains have been delighting guests for more than 100 years and are a particular hit with younger passengers.

The trains will take you on a journey around Marine Lake before returning to Central Station, where more delights await. A museum and play area can be found here, with plenty for visitors to explore. Tea, coffee, confectionary and gifts are also available at the station.

For those wishing to make the most of the magnificent natural landscape surrounding the miniature railway, there’s crabbing on offer at Marine Lake with kits for sale at the railway shop.

You can also learn all about the other species that call the lake their home as well as the local birds, with hands-on learning activities and information points dotted around the site.

Treat the little ones to a fantastic journey on Rhyl MR…

Image Credits: Richard HoareCC BY-SA 2.0

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