Roman Baths remains
Roman Baths, Prestatyn
  • Address 42 Melyd Ave
    North Wales
    United Kingdom
    LL19 8RT

Roman Baths

The Roman Baths of Prestatyn were discovered in 1934 and later excavated to reveal a furnace area, several typical rooms, and a plunge pool. Roman pipe work, which brought spring water to each of the rooms, was also found.

The rooms at the Roman Baths included a Caldarium, where soldiers sweated, exfoliated and scraped their skin before oiling it and a Tepidarium which more closely resembled a modern-day spa where soldiers could relax.

The remains of the baths are today hidden within a housing estate, but an information sign can be found in front of the remains, making it easy to identify.

Discover ample history at the Roman Baths in Prestatyn…

Image Credits: John AllanCC BY-SA 2.0

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