The Cheesewring, Minions
The Cheesewring, Cornwall
  • Address Minions
    United Kingdom
    PL14 5AT

The Cheesewring

The Cheesewring is an unusual rock formation resting in Minions, on the edge of a quarry in Bodmin Moor. It was once believed that ancient druids designed the landmark, however, it has been revealed that its appearance is due to weathering.

The Cheesewring received its name due to it having the same appearance as the process used to create cider. The process presses apples (also known as cheeses) together.

To reach this fascinating formation, you’ll need to embark on a hike from Minions. Begin the walk at The Hurlers car park and head right to the Minions Heritage Centre.

Follow the gravel path here; it’s a flat path with gradual inclines, so it’s relatively easy to hike! The path will bring you all the way to the foot of Stowes Hill.

The stunning Bodmin Moor landscape can be enjoyed here as you begin the ascent up the hill.

The summit of Stowes Hill beholds The Cheesewring. Sit back and unwind by the bizarre landmark and snap a couple of pictures before retracing your steps to the car park.

Uncover this unusual landmark by embarking on a short, easy hike through Bodmin Moor…

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