Merry Maidens
Merry Maidens Stone Circle
  • Address B3315
    TR19 6BQ

The Merry Maidens

This site dates back to the late Neolithic or early Bronze Age and consists of 19 stones in a circle. The stones are equally spaced, and the tallest ones sit to the south west while the shortest are positioned north east.

The Cornish name for the circle was Dawns Meyn which may have meant dance of stones. The legend states that 19 maidens were dancing in the field one Sabbath eve to music from two pipers. They continued to dance to the wild music into the next day and were turned to stone for their behaviour.

The stone circle lies in a field beside the B3315 and a carpark is situated at the bottom of the field.

Uncover this ancient landmark on your next visit to Penzance…

Image Credits: Chris GunnsCC BY-SA 2.0

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