Time and Tide Museum
Time and Tide Museum, Great Yarmouth

Time and Tide Museum

Situated in the UK’s well-preserved herring curing works, this museum is a must-visit for any history lover. Here, you will find out all about Great Yarmouth’s fascinating past whilst also having access to present-day exhibitions by locals.

One of the major highlights of the museum is the area dedicated to the 1950s fish wharf. In this part of the museum, you can explore the original smokehouses, meet historical figures and watch archive films.

Explore a 1913 “Row” and venture into the houses of local fishermen, view displays with artefacts from the Ice Age and uncover a range of present-day exhibits. The latter is especially fascinating with exhibitions ranging from arcade games to fisherwomen.

The choice of events at the Time and Tide Museum are also worth booking onto. Activity groups for young people, retro makeup sessions and talks are just a few of the events to partake in here.

Once you’ve explored the Tide and Tide Museum to its fullest, we recommend settling down for a bite to eat at the on-site cafĂ©; the perfect way to finish a visit.

Be intrigued by the artefacts and displays at the Tide and Time Museum…

Image Credits: Jeff TomlinsonCC BY-SA 2.0

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