Sykes Holiday Cottages

The Great British Brew: The UK’s Love Affair with Tea

Here in Britain we love a good cup of tea, in fact the team here at Sykes Cottages HQ alone manage to put away 131,000 cups a year! But just how much do you really know about the humble brew? As a part of our campaign to explore the nation’s love affair with the cuppa we’ve created the following tea themed infographic, illustrating our favourite ways to drink it, to what we call it and its role in our culture. So if you’re a fan of the great British brew, then keep reading to find out more about our favourite beverage and give yourself something to ponder over the next time you boil the kettle.


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The Great British Brew

It’s no secret that we’re a nation of tea lovers, in fact we can trace our infatuation with the humble brew right back to the early 17th century.  So whether we’re at home cuddled up with a cuppa or enjoying an afternoon tea in the country, this very special love affair between Britain and the tea leaf is showing no signs of stopping.

“Where there’s tea there’s hope” – Arthur Wing Pimero

We asked our Facebook fans what they call a cup of tea, here are some of our favourite responses:

Common pet names for tea

Unusual pet names for tea

You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me” – C.S. Lewis

Tea within British culture

 “A cup of tea will restore my normality” – Douglas Adams

Did you know…

“Come along inside… we’ll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place” – Kenneth Grahame, ‘The Wind in the Willows’

What we’ve discovered…

We asked 2,000 Brits to tell us about their tea-drinking habits and we found that…

“Tea is one of the main stays of civilisation in this country” – George Orwell


So there you have Sykes’ Great British Brew Infographic but don’t forget that it’s just one part of our cuppa based content! We’ve also created a series of tea based illustrations that contain our favourite quotes and some of the best findings from our survey, not to mention our advice on why you might want to hold back on the tea round at work!