walking boots

Y Graig North Wales Wildlife Trust

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walking boots

Y Graig North Wales Wildlife Trust

Set on a limestone outcrop, Y Graig features woodland to the north and grassland on its southern slopes. The woodland is made up of oak, beech, and elm, creating a thick and shady canopy.

In spring, the woodland floor is carpeted with bluebells, making it a popular time to visit.

On the grasslands you’ll find magnificent views of the Vale of Clwyd as well as displays of rock-rose and, as the night falls in summer, the green gleam of glow-worms on the grass.

You’ll find a circular walk here over steep and, at times, uneven ground. Your effort will be rewarded with picnic tables in front of an incredible vista. Dogs are welcome on a lead.

Y Graig North Wales Wildlife Trust offers a superb day out…

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