
How to get to Sedbergh

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Travel to Sedbergh by road

When travelling to Sedbergh from the North West, the best route is the M6. After leaving junction 37, you travel along the A684 that is signposted towards Sedbergh. Once you reach the end of the slip road, you simply continue along the A684 for a distance of five miles until you reach the welcoming Sedbergh sign.

If travelling from the North East you need to use the A1 and then the A685 through Kirkby Stephen, then the A683 to Sedbergh.

If travelling from the Leeds area, you need to take the A65 to Kirkby Lonsdale and then follow the A683 through to Sedbergh.

For further information on travelling by car, the AA Route Planner has detailed information. This can be found at

Travel to Sedbergh by train

There are two main train lines that both get you 10 miles outside of Sedbergh. The West Coast Main Line is home to Oxenholme Station, while the Leeds, Settle, Carlisle Line stops at both Dent and Garsdale. This train line offers the more scenic route.

For further information please visit

For information about local taxi services, please visit the Visit Sedbergh website:

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