Travelling to Eyam by road
If you choose to travel to the Peak District by road, there are several straightforward routes to reach Eyam. If you are travelling from either the South or the South East, the easiest route to the Peak District is the M1 followed by the A617.
To help to plan your travel, we recommend using AA Route Planner
For more details on travelling by car, or to check up any delays prior to beginning your journey, use
Travelling to Eyam by train
Travelling cross-country via rail can offer a time-effective solution to reaching the Peak District, as well as a way to experience the nature of the Peak District first hand. Depending on how far you are from the Peak District, travelling by rail can be a more expensive way to travel.
For further travel information and to book tickets visit: /
Travelling to Eyam by plane
The closest airport to Eyam is Manchester, which is just over an hour away. Additional travel would be required in addition to a flight, which makes it less economical than other types of travel. However, it may make for a shorter journey for those who are a good distance away.
For more information and/or to check flight times and prices visit: