llanberis path
llanberis path
  • Address Llanberis
    LL55 4TU

Llanberis Path

The Llanberis Path route takes around four hours and features a reasonably steady climb with just short sections of steeper terrain.

Start at the Mountain Railway station near the Royal Victoria Hotel and head towards the hotel, keeping to the right. Turn right up Victoria Terrace when you get to the mini roundabout. Head to the minor road over the cattle grid and uphill, this initial climb is one of the steeper parts of the journey.

Keep following the road until you arrive at a footpath marker stone that points to the Yr Wyddfa Summit. From here, you’ll walk steadily uphill over sometimes pebbly ground and onto some flatter areas of moorland.

You’ll soon reach The Half Way House, a small café serving thirsty walkers ready for a break at the halfway point. From this point, you will begin a harder stretch with a steeper incline.

The terrain begins to get increasingly uneven and rocky. You’ll soon reach a flatter area, known as the Killer Convex for its conditions in winter, and then onto the final stretch. During the last 100m, you’ll likely see plenty of other walkers as walking trails join together close to the summit.

You’ll follow a path along the railway line and soon the summit will be in view. The final steps to the peak make for the final, triumphant challenge.

Llanberis Path is a great route up the mountain…

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