Welsh rarebit
Welsh rarebit


Make a pit stop at this exceptional coffee shop in Llangollen, found at the heart of the North Wales town and overlooking the River Dee.

The cafe offers a friendly atmosphere with laid-back music and a collection of house plants! Relax on the wooden tables and watch the world go by with a coffee in hand.

The menu is exceptional offering something for taste buds. Look forward to a classic Welsh rarebit, RiverBand Ramen and a Big Wedge of Quiche.

Inside, you will also find a mini craft shop, which sells and promotes local artists’ crafts. Whilst outside, you can enjoy the sunny decking with views over the River Dee and Llangollen’s famous bridge, which is one of the seven wonders of Wales!

RiverBanc is a superb choice for places to eat in Llangollen…

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