kayaking in north wales

Sea Môr Kayaking

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kayaking in north wales

Sea Môr Kayaking

Whether you’re an experienced sea kayaker or a total beginner, Sea Môr Kayaking can help you get the most out of the incredible North Wales coast.

The team here offer bespoke sea kayaking trips and coaching at Anglesey and the Llyn Peninsula as well as half- and full-day sessions on the lake at Llanberis for novices.

In fact, Lyn Padarn in Llanberis is the perfect setting for a family fun day. You can use a kayak or canoe as you explore the lake together or take part in a treasure hunt!

Sea Môr Kayaking also offers a range of intermediate and advanced courses focussing on a variety of elements including wildlife, history, geology or a combination of the three.

Anglesey and the Llyn Peninsula boast some of the most challenging tidal conditions in the UK, making for an exhilarating adventure.

Sea Môr Kayaking offers a superb outdoor activity…

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