St Columb Major to St Mawgan Feature
St Columb Major to St Mawgan Listing
  • Address Unnamed Road
    St Columb Major
    Saint Columb
    TR9, UK

St Columb Major to St Mawgan

Start at the church of the medieval town of St Columb Major, the church was rebuilt in 1676 after being blown up with gunpowder, and follow the footpaths to the edge of the Vale of Lanherne.

From here walk to the hamlet of Lanvean and descend into the valley. Cross the River Menalhyl to reach St Mawgan.

There are a handful of pubs along the route, ideal for stopping off for Cornish ale or refuelling before continuing the walk. Plenty of wildlife can also be seen along the way, mostly in the broadleaf woodland close to the River Menalhyl and the meadows of the Vale of Lanherne.

A charming walk in the countryside awaits along this trail…

Image Credits: Tony AtkinCC BY-SA 2.0

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