The Japanese Garden, Cornwall
The Japanese Garden, Listing

The Japanese Garden

If you’re after a relaxing day out, be sure to come to The Japanese Garden. Here, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to Japan without having to venture overseas!

The garden welcomes all ages for a small fee, all year around. The Japanese Garden doesn’t require booking either, making it an easy choice for a day out near Newquay.

There are several gorgeous sights to enjoy after passing through the striking entrance gate. The first thing you’ll come across is the charming koi pond; there’re plenty of seats here, so why not enjoy a relaxing sit-down?

After seeing the pond, you can make your way to the Teahouse. Although it doesn’t serve refreshments, it’s still a peaceful place to stop in.

An array of mini gardens can also be found along The Japanese Garden’s trail. A couple of memorable picks include the beautifully landscaped zen garden, the bamboo grove and the moss garden.

The enchanting Willow Wood can be found at the back of the attraction. Here, more seating awaits for you to unwind on.

After enjoying the vibrant flowers and intricate ornaments dotted throughout The Japanese Garden, be sure to stop at the shop. You can choose from a variety of Japanese Maples, bamboo and flowers to take home.

A tranquil outing awaits at The Japanese Garden…

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