How can I view the balance for my booking?
To view your payment summary, please log in to your account and select the Payment Details tab for the booking you wish to view.
How can I pay my balance?
You can pay the remaining instalments of your deposit or your balance at any time before these amounts are due. The simplest way to do this is by logging into your account, select the booking you wish to pay for and under Payment Details select the 'Make Payment' button.
How can I make a partial payment towards my holiday?
You can make an instalment of a minimum of £20 towards your balance at any time before your final balance due date. The easiest way to do this is to log in to your account, select the booking you wish to pay for and under Payment Details select the 'Make Payment' button. This will allow to you to make a full or part payment prior to your balance due date.
Can I delay my balance payment?
Unfortunately, we are unable to amend payment due dates. Please ensure that all payments are completed by the due date to ensure that your booking is not cancelled (and check it's left your bank account).
If you are able to move your booking to a future date (note that this is at the property Owner's discretion), any outstanding amounts that are payable will be due on the date(s) as communicated to you as part of the change of date request process, and if your request is accepted, the email confirming the owner’s acceptance of your change of date request. Please log in to your account if you wish to proceed with a change of date request.
Will my balance payments be taken automatically?
When you book your holiday, you can select to have the balance taken automatically at the due date, which is the date as communicated to you as part of the booking journey and in your booking confirmation email. If you have not authorised a card or if your authorised card is due to expire before your due date, we will notify you that you need to provide us with updated payment details to complete your automatic balance payment on the due date.
Please log in to your account to check your payment details for your booking.
How can I update my payment card details?
When you book your holiday, you can select to have the balance taken automatically at the due date, which is the date as communicated to you as part of the booking journey and in your booking confirmation email.
If your authorised card expires before your due date, we will notify you that you need to provide us with updated card details to complete your automatic balance payment on the due date.
To do this, log in to your account, select the booking you wish to amend your card payment details for and select Update card details. You can then provide an updated payment method - we will take a payment of £1 to verify your replacement payment method, which is deducted from your outstanding balance.