a. if you cancel your Low Deposit Booking, or it is cancelled as you have broken a term of the UK Booking Terms and Conditions As Amended for Low Deposit (i) before you have paid all of the Deposit plus the Administration Charge and (ii) before the Balance Payment Date (as defined in the UK Booking Terms and Conditions), then you also agree to pay to us any remaining difference between (i) the Low Deposit and (ii) an amount which is equal to 30% of the Rental Charges for the hire of the Property plus the Booking Fee (the Usual Deposit when Low Deposit isn't available or hasn't been chosen by you) (Remainder of the Deposit Payment) plus the Administration Charge.
We will tell you how much you will have to pay if you cancel, before you make your Low Deposit Booking.
The Remainder of the Deposit Payment plus the Administration Charge will be due as soon as you confirm to us that you would like to cancel the Low Deposit Booking; or
b. if you cancel your Low Deposit Booking or it is cancelled as you have broken a term of the UK Booking Terms and Conditions As Amended for Low Deposit on or after the Balance Payment Date (as defined in the UK Booking Terms and Conditions) or it is not cancelled, then you also agree to pay us the Remainder of the Deposit Payment plus the Administration Charges (unless you have already paid both these amounts to us) plus the Balance (as defined in the UK Booking Terms and Conditions). When you make your Low Deposit Booking, we will tell you the date of these payments and how much you will have to pay.
The Administration Charge is not refundable if you cancel your Low Deposit Booking, as the services to which it relates have been provided to you. The UK Booking Terms and Conditions apply as regards the Deposit, by way of example only, it is not refundable if you have simply changed your mind about going to your Low Deposit Booking at any time.
We will ask, or have asked, you for your agreement to take any payments from the method of payment you use to pay your Low Deposit amount. This authority will continue until any of the following apply:
a) you ask us not to use that payment method; or
b) all sums have been paid.
If you use an alternative method to make any partial or interim payment you will need to tell us if you wish to replace your original payment method for any remaining payments.
If you would like to make either of these payments using a different payment method, then please contact us by telephone using the number in the Contact Us section of the UK Booking Terms and Conditions before the date that payment is due to be taken from your card.