If you find your online booking of this property through Sykes cheaper on another website and you meet the conditions below, let us know and we will pay you an amount equal to the difference in price.
The other offer that you could have booked on another website on the same day that you made your Sykes’ booking is identical to it – it is the same specific property, the same check-in and check-out dates, for the same number of guests and it has got the same, or better for guests, cancellation terms.
The other offer is cheaper than your Sykes’ booking when you ignore all optional extras on both and all vouchers, discount codes, gift cards, loyalty, reward or other type of membership or repeat business schemes and any generic promotion on the other offer.
Within 7 days of making your Sykes’ booking you have provided us with evidence of the other offer that is acceptable to Sykes (for example, a screenshot, print out or picture of the full details of the other offer from the point in the booking journey when all that’s left to do is pay) together with its cancellation terms.
This guarantee only applies to a property when you see it advertised on the property listing when you make your booking.
How to claim:
Send the evidence we’ve asked for above to pricematch@sykescottages.co.uk along with your booking reference.
We’ll check if it qualifies for our Price Match Guarantee.
If it does, we will pay you the relevant difference within 14 days. That’s it!