As one of the oldest buildings in this medieval town, The Bridewell is located in the heart of Woodbridge and has been beautifully renovated to provide the perfect retreat for family and friends.
The original front door of this renowned detached holiday cottage takes you into a porch where you can leave outdoor gear, opening out to the kitchen, large living area and stairs leading up to the first floor.
Enter through the beautiful arched beams into this fantastic space.
You'll enjoy preparing meals in this spacious and bespoke handmade kitchen with plenty of cupboards.
There is everything you could need to cook up those tasty treats, this includes a gas oven with five ring gas hob, fridge, freezer, dishwasher, washing machine, microwave, kettle and toaster.
You can pull up a stool at the kitchen island and keep the chef company, or enjoy a morning coffee while reading a local newspaper.
Living Room
Through a wide gap between the exposed vertical beams sits the elegant living room with two stylish Chesterfield Sofas and an armchair.
Giving a feeling of calm with the original inglenook fire place with wood-burning stove in the center of the room.
There is a flat smart TV provided for your entertainment.
Dining Room
Leading off the living room, a charming space to enjoy long meals together, with a beautiful wooden table and chairs, with wood-burning stove to enjoy.
You can enjoy the bespoke dining table created from one of the original property doors.
Bedroom 1
Steps lead down to this beautiful bedroom with vaulted ceiling.
A statement double bed with bedside table and lamps.
The bathroom has been completely refurbished to include a bath, wash basin, heated towel rail and WC.
First floor
Carpeted stairs lead up to the spacious first floor landing, leading onto three bedrooms and family bathroom.
Bedroom 2
This large carpeted bedroom offers a double bed with bedside table and lamp, with storage provided in a chest of drawers and additional built in storage on the landing.
Featuring a bath with overhead shower, wash basin, heated towel rail and WC.
Bedroom 3
Another spacious bedroom with carpeted floors, featuring a double bed with bedside table and lamp.
This room features a generous cupboard with hanging rails for your belongings.
Bedroom 4
A fantastic family room with double bed and single bed.
There is a wardrobe, chest of drawers and bedside tables for storage.
At the rear of the property is an enclosed courtyard running the length of the property, an ideal space to enjoy dining alfresco.
Whilst there is no allocated, there is parking for 30 minutes outside to allow for unloading / loading and free parking 5 - 10 minute walk away.
Contact our team for more specific parking advice.